The Jerusalemite peace activist, Aziz Abu Sarah’s older brother was killed by Israeli soldiers during the first Intifada (1988-91). Instead of growing up a vengeful militant Abu Sarah became a crusader for peace. Prompted by his own pain, and reaching deep into his inborn humanity, he managed to
cross the border of animosity dividing the region’s inhabitants. In an article entitled “A Palestinian Remembers the Holocaust” he wrote:
“Although it may seem strange for a Palestinian to take time out to remember the Holocaust, I felt it was an important step for me. I needed to connect with the pain of those who had suffered, and I needed to go beyond nationality to acknowledge the loss of human life ….. some part of me feared that if I sympathised with the enemy, my right to struggle for justice might be taken away. Now I know this is nonsense: you are stronger when you let humanity overcome enmity”