National demonstration to protest against the siege of Gaza following Israel’s week long attack the sense of urgency had evaporated as a cease fire had been signed but nevertheless 10-15,000 people joined the demonstration which took place in unrelenting rain. I joined the marchers gathering in Whitehall to march to the Israeli Embassy in Kensington. No Israelis were in evidence! It was good to see some Jewish Anti-Zionist groups represented.
I was pleased to bump into Sue Monk who was there with her daughter and son-in-law.
There were too few marchers to cut much ice with our media but Nidal Abu Zuuf, Manager of the Joint Advocacy Initiative, commented:
“Thanks for your genuine feeling and support of Palestine and the Palestinians. Thanks for all you do for us and for our Cause. I actually learned and even watched this London rally on TV. Thanks to you and to all who took part. You are the asset of the Palestinian in their pursuit for justice. I am now in Brazil for the World Social Forum FREE PALESTINE and I enjoyed many activities including also a great rally that took place yesterday.”
Baha Hilo had a slightly different take on the demonstration and emailed:
“We are thankful to each and every one of the 10,000 marchers, media is not where we get our hope from, but from the voices and efforts put forward by you and the many others who work tirelessly for a just solution of the people of Palestine.”
This boat was parked at the bottom of St James Street serving no obvious purpose unless to remind us of the sea blockade on Gaza.