Sumud Palestine sponsored Dr Marwan
Diab’s visit to London to participate in the UK Palestine Mental Health
Conference on 8/9 M\arch 2019.Dr Diab is the head of the research unit at Gaza
Community Mental Health Programme.
Dr Diab will
present his work with children and families who have been adversely affected by
the siege on Gaza and the unimaginable level of Israel’s systematic violence
over the past decade. He will bring stories from the frontlines about the Great
Return March and the motivation and dynamics that drive the younger generation
to lead and participate. He will share stories of pain, resilience and
steadfastness that Palestinian children and families experience under the
Israeli siege. He will reflect as a mental health professional and educator on
how the ongoing traumatization of an entire generation has gripped the whole
society of Gaza and drained its socioeconomic and cultural resources. Marwan
will speak about the need to intensify solidarity actions to bring justice to
the people who have nowhere to go to escape a slow genocide but who still
remain steadfast and hopeful