On 13 August 2014 a young Muslim woman organised a Gaza fund-raising evening at which she spoke and screened a moving video taken, I believe from the website of Medical Aid for Palestinians. Another young woman, a student, was keen for a further meeting for her friends and in response Summed sked her to suggest a date and we settled on 8 September. Once again, Mr Sheikh generously made room available and provided refreshments which add a certain zest to an occasion.
We attempted a discussion about Palestine but this didn’t take off so we showed a short film, My Neighbourhood, about house demolitions in East Jerusalem. The film demonstrates that young Israelis can identify gross injustice when they see it and take steps to make their feelings known. Demonstrations continue to take place every Friday and Netanyahu’s even sister-in-law joins in!
Unfortunately, the young woman who requested the meeting and had notified that eight of her friends would attend, didn’t show up. That’s student life I guess!