Over 30 people attended the meeting in Stafford on Monday organised by the Staffordshire N.U.T. to hear Roger King, Executive Member for the West Midlands, talk of his experiences as part of an N.U.T. delegation to Palestine. He compared it with the conditions when he visited ten years earlier and in every respect it was worse with the Separation Wall almost complete, huge Israeli settlements all over the West Bank, harassment and persecution of Palestinians and especially children and the lack of basic provisions such as water and power.
What had not changed was the determination of the Palestinian people to achieve a just settlement. He urged all attending to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign.
Following the visit the NUT produced a 14 page report on their findings following discussion with Palestinian and Israeli teachers and visits to schools in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The report offers a succinct summary of the repressive conditions which Palestinians suffer on a daily basis and which Roger described with passion and conviction.