Jameela’s Kitchen: Recipes of Resistance which took place on 27 February, a little in advance of International Women’s Day, attracted about 6o people. Taking place in Equality Hall and fronted by Shaista Razaq and Sajida Ahmed it was rewarding to welcome Muslim sisters, Sumud veterans and some newcomers. Mixing film, poetry and chat about women in Gaza and Palestine with a food demonstration as well as an opportunity to enjoy it, was a formula for success. Donations enabled us to send £114.50 each to the Palestine Trauma Centre and to Jameela’s Kitchen. Only £29 was contributed towards costs but the Mosque generously said “pay what you can afford” and Sumud was able to make this sum up to £50 without breaking the bank. One decision arising from the event is the value of offering food is that Sumud Palestine must try to do likewise. Not only is offering food in keeping with the norms of hospitality for Arabs and Muslims it also oils the wheels of communication and friendship amongst those less accustomed to throwing open their doors to “strangers”.
Sumud Palestine wishes to place on record our thanks to Linda Clair (from Manchester PSC)and Annie O’Gara (Sheffield PSC) for bringing Jameela’s Kitchen to Stoke-on-Trent. We’ve booked them again next year when the theme will be ‘Women of Palestine: Living Through Trauma, Building Resistance.’
The stall with Zaytoun products also ran out of olive oil which is some measure of the emotional impact of the presentation but we did not distribute as many Friends of Aqsa leaflets as I expected.
There was no time at the end of the day to do justice to a short film on the Palestine Trauma Centre’s Friday of Joy Initiative. Click here if you would like to see it.